Ubisoft released a ninja patch on Thursday (10th) which was in fact the greatly anticipated new season, Shadow Legacy.
Ubisoft has made some major changes to go along with this patch, including a complete overhaul of weapon scopes, a reword of the map Chalet, the addition of map bans, as well as the new operator Zero (i.e. Sam Fisher, a fan favourite amongst veterans of Ubisoft games).
The most unique fo the release of the season, however, is the debut of the minimum MMR gain/loss. Ubisoft has enabled a maximum +25 for win or loss to players of both teams. Additionally, Ubisoft has also helped reduce diminishing returns amongst MMR gains/losses from ranked games. While this may not impact the more casual gamers, this would be a huge benefit for players such as King George who stream for a living and play hundreds on hundreds of game each season.
Good luck with your placement matches !