Phew! Just finished the Russell T Davies HBO drama Years and Years and I am still trying to catch my breath! Years and Years is a 6 part story of the Manchester- based Lyons family of 4 diverse yet connected siblings and their independent Grandmother. The adventures span 15 years, originating in 2019 which includes the introduction of Emma Thompson’s Donald Trump-like political figure Vivienne Rook. The shows move quickly and cover current topics of global warming, European independence, banking collapse and the migrant crisis, among many others. (Hence the catch my breath!).
I found myself caring about these Lyon siblings, despite their mistakes and messy lives. There were dystopian themes around technology (care to have your phone sewn into your hand?) and security (fake fingerprint anyone?) which were woven into the storylines and within the realm of possibility. Each sibling had their own complexities and unique personality.
Years and Years was not afraid to take their characters to dangerous and complicated situations that sometimes ended unexpectedly.
But still, Years and Years displayed that unique British humour and resilience that kept me wanting more- while never really knowing what could possibly be coming next